Sunday, October 16, 2011

Everyone needs a place where they can call home...

Everyone needs a place where they can call home...: It's late in the night, and you hear a child screaming.  The father seems to have returned home, and is apparently not in a good mood; as he has been for the past few weeks now.  Every other night, you hear the tearful pleas of a woman begging for him to stop, but the screams of pain from the child continues.  The next day, you see that same child, coming out from the house next door, boarding the school bus with a noticeable strange limp in her walk, while her face remains emotionally dazed and grim.Child abuse can happen any day, anywhere, and at any time.  What makes it worse is that often, the abuser is one whom the child trusts to give them love, and shelter.  It is our duty as a neighbour, a citizen, and as a person, to report such incidents should we realise what is happening.Shelter was established in 1981 for such a purpose.  We receive children of such cases from the Welfare Department and from brave parents who want to rescue their children from such situations.  These children come to us, broken and abused.  In time, we help to nurture and care for them and raise them to confront their past, and move on to seek a brighter future.  It doesn't matter from what age and race you come from; for the some 450 children that we care for and support in our homes and refugee schools, it means a brighter future for them all.Help us, to give them a chance at a future they deserve to have.

Are you the owner of the MANGO Missing Bag?

Are you the owner of the MANGO Missing Bag?: Calling all ladies out there! A mysterious bag was found in one of our MANGO stores. We are looking for the person who owns this bag because its contents are simply too precious to lose! Wondering what's inside? Let's find out!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Psalm 88

10 Do you show your wonders to the dead?
Do their spirits rise up and praise you?
11 Is your love declared in the grave,
your faithfulness in Destruction[e]?
12 Are your wonders known in the place of darkness,
or your righteous deeds in the land of oblivion?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I have learned a lot about Love today.

One of 'em is...Love is selfless.

To love is..... to put others before your own desires.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Have you died to self today?

22 When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Luke 18:22

"That is where the battle is truly fought— in the realm of your will before God." - Oswald Chambers

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Be thankful for the bad things in life. For they open your eyes to the good things you weren't paying attention to before.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One thing I must do everyday: Move forward

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Learn from Moses!

If you read Exodus chapter 36 to 40, you will know how Moses and the Isrealites set up and build a tabernacle for God.

"-as the LORD commanded Moses." EVERY single detail, God commanded Moses to prepare exactly how He wanted it!

As I was reading through the chapters, I was thinking to myself "wow. God is such a detailed person! and truly, such creativity comes from Him alone! From architecture to interior design to tailoring skill!" God has given people the ability to design and to create. So wonderful isn't it?

I learned that God also cares for those tiny little details in our lives. Just when I was craving for fried banana fritters, I came home and found 'em on the dining table! God knows what you want before you even present your requests to God!

So now you know how God commanded Moses to do exactly what He wanted for the tabernacle. Likewise, He desires to build and set up IN us exactly how He wants us to be in the future! It is a process, but it is up to us whether we allow Him to take control and obey like how Moses did. After all, we are just mere human beings who are created by Him and FOR Him. =)

How's your appetite?

I'm hungry...

...for His Word.

teaching? whaaat?

For 5 days starting 11th this month, I'll be teaching 14 kids aged 7 - 16 from Korea.

So what I'll be teaching? ENGLISH.

Met the kids on Thursday and Friday--oh boy, they were so cute I was smiling the whole time! =)

Though there's a language barrier between teachers and students, both parties try hard to make each other understand in every conversation. And that's good cause friendships were forged and at the end of the day, it wasn't so much on teaching but instead we learn so much from each other! Great experience! Now I just can't wait to meet all of them again and learn new Korean words. Haha!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you . . .” (John 15:16)

God’s aim appears to have missed the mark, because we are too nearsighted to see the target at which He is aiming.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Be an Overcomer!

In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world —John 16:33

God does not give us overcoming life— He gives us life as we overcome. The strain of life is what builds our strength. If there is no strain, there will be no strength.

Overcome your own timidity and take the first step. Then God will give you nourishment— “To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life . . .” (Revelation 2:7).

God never gives us strength for tomorrow, or for the next hour, but only for the strain of the moment.
- Oswald Chambers

Very straightforward. =)

Monday, August 1, 2011


It's 1:05AM now and I couldn't sleep.

So I decided to come online and write down my thoughts.

Here it is: I need God more than ever. I need Him so much closer. I hunger for His Word for His touch for His LOVE. I can't really explain this feeling... I just want to love Him with all my heart with all my soul with all my mind. I can't do anything at all without Him...I am hopeless without Him. I want Him so bad.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

These thoughts were meant to be broke down

These thoughts were meant to be broke down

Sticks and stones, may break my bones
Your words they surely kill

Friday, July 29, 2011

Clouds & Shadows

I was quite disappointed.
But I refused to let that disappointment pull me down.

So I thank God for today's devotion...
For reminding me He's my my my sufferings

Danielle, you can do this!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Between the Trees' Biography

Certainly there's much to appreciate in their words, from celebrations of love ("White Lines & Red Lights") to meditations on despair ("The Way She Feels" & "A Time for Yohe").

But an even greater truth stands Between the Trees ... literally.

It's in the name itself - specifically, in the space staked out by its suggestion of beginning and end.

"One tree represents where time and existence begins," ventures lead singer Ryan Kirkland. "The other is the end of everything. Between them is the time we're given on Earth. What matters is what we do with that time."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

mind = blown

We tend to think that if Jesus Christ compels us to do something and we are obedient to Him, He will lead us to great success. We should never have the thought that our dreams of success are God’s purpose for us. In fact, His purpose may be exactly the opposite. We have the idea that God is leading us toward a particular end or a desired goal, but He is not. The question of whether or not we arrive at a particular goal is of little importance, and reaching it becomes merely an episode along the way. What we see as only the process of reaching a particular end, God sees as the goal itself.

What is my vision of God’s purpose for me? Whatever it may be, His purpose is for me to depend on Him and on His power now. If I can stay calm, faithful, and unconfused while in the middle of the turmoil of life, the goal of the purpose of God is being accomplished in me. God is not working toward a particular finish— His purpose is the process itself. What He desires for me is that I see “Him walking on the sea” with no shore, no success, nor goal in sight, but simply having the absolute certainty that everything is all right because I see “Him walking on the sea” (Mark 6:49). It is the process, not the outcome, that is glorifying to God.

God’s training is for now, not later. His purpose is for this very minute, not for sometime in the future. We have nothing to do with what will follow our obedience, and we are wrong to concern ourselves with it. What people call preparation, God sees as the goal itself.

God’s purpose is to enable me to see that He can walk on the storms of my life right now. If we have a further goal in mind, we are not paying enough attention to the present time. However, if we realize that moment-by-moment obedience is the goal, then each moment as it comes is precious.

As usual, grabbed from slightly different from the book but it's easier to understand from here...

I prayed that I will be constantly marveled and amazed at God's glory and power and love each day because I don't want to live a mundane life based on my own understanding. No.

If I see from my own eyes, my understanding is this... I can do nothing... well, I can draw a bit... sew a bit... and a little bit of this and that...where can I go from here? I dunno... I see myself as pathetic. But through God's eyes, I am His child and He enables me to use the gift I have to bless and impact people's lives. Truly amazing.

Therefore, it's ok if there is no shore, no success, nor goal in sight because I have the absolute certainty that everything is all right because I see “Him walking on the sea”

Even if I don't see things going the way they should, I know God has always been and will still be there for me. His goal is my goal. And that's all that matters!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The golden rule to follow to obtain spiritual understanding is not one of intellectual pursuit, but one of obedience.

“Don’t say another word to me; first be obedient by making things right.”

Obedience. Obey. I must say I'm not good at that.
But I've made a decision to be a follower of Christ.
Therefore, I must put away my pride...and my laziness.
Danielle, you can do this!

When Jesus drives something home to you through His Word, don’t try to evade it. If you do, you will become a religious impostor. Examine the things you tend simply to shrug your shoulders about, and where you have refused to be obedient, and you will know why you are not growing spiritually. As Jesus said, “First . . . go . . ..” Even at the risk of being thought of as fanatical, you must obey what God tells you.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Everything - Tim Hughes

I love how I am constantly reminded that I cannot do ANYTHING without God in my life.
Because I strive to put God as my first priority.
And if I don't, He will nudge me........Thank YOU!

God in my living
There in my breathing
God in my waking
God in my sleeping
God in my resting
There in my working
God in my thinking
God in my speaking

Eventually I see less of me, but more of Him.

This is real Satisfaction.

14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation.” [Psalm 91]

Saturday, July 23, 2011


What is sanctification?

I searched on Google and found these...

*the state of growing in divine grace as a result of Christian commitment after baptism or conversion

*To set apart for sacred use; consecrate.

*To make holy; purify.

*The process by which a Christian believer is made holy through the action of the Holy Spirit.

*The act of sanctifying or making holy; the state of.

Question for the day... Can someone truly be made holy?

A few years back... while singing and worshiping in one of the youth service, both my hands were raised and I received a vision...I saw a hand wrote on the palm of my hand "holy"... right after that I had a lot of questions in my head. What are you trying to say to me, Lord? You want me to be holy? What? How? Can I?... What does it mean to be holy? what IS holy?

What I learned recently is that it is indeed God's will for us to be holy. The question is... are we willing?

See, the thing is...we can't be made holy by our own works no matter how hard we try!
I believe it is an act of dying to self AND letting God work IN me.

1 Corinthians 1:30
New Living Translation (NLT)
30 God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin.

The most wonderful secret of living a holy life does not lie in imitating Jesus, but in letting the perfect qualities of Jesus exhibit themselves in my human flesh.

Sanctification means the impartation of the holy qualities of Jesus Christ to me. It is the gift of His patience, love, holiness, faith, purity, and godliness that is exhibited in and through every sanctified soul.

The perfection of everything is in Jesus Christ, and the mystery of sanctification is that all the perfect qualities of Jesus are at my disposal.

Am I willing for God to make sanctification as real in me as it is in His Word?
- Oswald Chambers [My Utmost for His Highest]

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Am I willing to reduce myself simply to "me", determinedly to strip myself of all my friends think of me, of all I think of myself, and to hand that simple naked self over to God?

Such a simple question yet so much to think about.
But only we can answer that to ourselves and to God.

One thing I learned from Jesus and Harry Potter(yes I'm still very sad it's over =() is that they're willing to risk their lives even for their enemies, except that Jesus actually DIED for all. And another thing...God usually uses the weak and the meek[patient, long-suffering, or submissive in disposition or nature; humble] to do such courageous[Not deterred by danger or pain; brave.] thing[yes, willing to die for their enemies].

If someone asks you, "are you willing to die for your country?" what would you say? Not just die for your homeland, but for all the people in the country, including the government and those with authorities[after all the nasty things you heard they did].

Matthew 5:5
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.


But when it comes to learning from the creator of the universe, we many times are very hardheaded, and I was wondering why? Oh yeah, because we are very stubborn, prideful, and its like we are so destined to create havoc in our life.

How true is that!?
Sometimes we think we know embarrassing.

"Blessed are the poor in spirit..."

Matthew 5:3

But when I am born again by the Spirit of God, I know that Jesus Christ did not come only to teach— He came to make me what He teaches I should be.

The underlying foundation of Jesus Christ’s kingdom is poverty, not possessions; not making decisions for Jesus, but having such a sense of absolute futility that we finally admit, “Lord, I cannot even begin to do it.”

After reading this I begin to feel the hunger in my spirit.....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I'm jobless. My excuse? I still haven't found something that I'm passionate about.

And there on FB Ps. Dave just posted a note "Be Passionate About Worthwhile Things"
It's as if God is nudging me. Hahaha

Sometimes or maybe many times on our search to discover something we can be passionate in, we actually end up finding ourselves being discouraged, so don’t let anything keep you from searching for that thing to be passionate about, in fact, why not let God be apart of your search, and trust that He will help you find something meaningful.

And when it’s something you believe in wholeheartedly, its so much easier to enjoy life, to celebrate life, which makes you feel better about life and yourself. 1 Corinthians 10:31 “Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly as though you were working for your real master and not merely for humans.”

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Utmost For His Highest

"The reality of God's presence is not dependent on any place, but only dependent upon the determination to set the Lord always before us." -Oswald Chambers

Many times we forget this.
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts. [Isaiah 55:8-9]

When problems arise, we always want 'em to be solved immediately. And God doesn't always answer our prayers immediately.

I have learned that whenever I pray to God saying, "Lord I lift up this matter to You...You know what's best", I must mean what I say. I mean, He's God! He's the one who created the universe, including you and I. Of course He knows what's best. Even though He may be slow to answering my prayers, I know I am in good hands. Therefore I must learn to be still and wait upon the Lord. Yes, even when the world is moving fast.

Sometimes, it is necessary to shut yourself from the world and tune in God's frequency THEN you will be able to hear so much clearer...

"we think we need so many useless things, when all we really need is time to breathe" Between The Trees - The Fort

At First Sight.

"What can't be seen, doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

This morning I came across a movie called At First Sight. It talks about a blind man and a lady who fall in love with each other. The lady then brings him to New York for surgery. The blind man regains his sight and has a hard time fitting in. Finding his place in a seeing world strains his relation with the lady. Then the retinal disease comes back and he's blind again...

"You mean my eyes are playing tricks on me?"
"What I'm trying to say is, you cannot just believe what you see. You have to experience it."

What I learned from this is... that blind man reminds me of myself. Reminds me how I was so comfortable in my comfort zone just like him being blind for so long, he didn't want to go through that surgery at first because he was afraid of change. Reminds me of how I simply throw tantrum and sulk when things don't go the way I want them to, just like how he snaps at his partner and already shows signs of giving up after the surgery because he expects people to treat him according to his needs.

So what I really learned is that we need to be patient and trust the Lord. Even when you feel like you have taken a step forward but you don't see God working...believe me, He is. Just wait upon the Lord.

Right after I posted this, Ps. Dave posted a note called "We Need To Be Patient And Trust The Lord" on facebook. He said all the things I want to say.

One way at look at those impatient moments is to realize that God might be using that difficult moment to strengthen you for something coming your way tomorrow. God is equipping you. When we put God in the mix, we should trust and know that God helps make things grow and bear fruit. And if God is slow to answer your request, do not fret or get upset, because God is much wiser than you and I. God has some very big plans in store for us, so when we trust Him and wait patiently like we should, some really awesome things will start to unfold. And even thought it’s hard, but we need remember God’s timing is the best, so don’t allow yourself allow your frustration to upset you and discourage or distract you if things do not work out exactly as you wish. Instead of worrying about your future, its time to entrust your future to God, and trust that He knows what He is doing. I mean He did create the universe, and the only thing we create is chaos.

Definitely a reminder for myself.


Hey guys!

It's good to be back in Bloggerrrrrrr

The reason for this new blog? Inspired to inspire, I guess =)

The previous blog has too much crap that I have to set it to private and create a new one. When I go through the old posts I realized how much I've changed, and how God really never changes and is still the same faithful God that He was. So I decided to record down and share my experiences with you here. Successes and failures.
