Tuesday, July 19, 2011

At First Sight.

"What can't be seen, doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

This morning I came across a movie called At First Sight. It talks about a blind man and a lady who fall in love with each other. The lady then brings him to New York for surgery. The blind man regains his sight and has a hard time fitting in. Finding his place in a seeing world strains his relation with the lady. Then the retinal disease comes back and he's blind again...

"You mean my eyes are playing tricks on me?"
"What I'm trying to say is, you cannot just believe what you see. You have to experience it."

What I learned from this is... that blind man reminds me of myself. Reminds me how I was so comfortable in my comfort zone just like him being blind for so long, he didn't want to go through that surgery at first because he was afraid of change. Reminds me of how I simply throw tantrum and sulk when things don't go the way I want them to, just like how he snaps at his partner and already shows signs of giving up after the surgery because he expects people to treat him according to his needs.

So what I really learned is that we need to be patient and trust the Lord. Even when you feel like you have taken a step forward but you don't see God working...believe me, He is. Just wait upon the Lord.

Right after I posted this, Ps. Dave posted a note called "We Need To Be Patient And Trust The Lord" on facebook. He said all the things I want to say.

One way at look at those impatient moments is to realize that God might be using that difficult moment to strengthen you for something coming your way tomorrow. God is equipping you. When we put God in the mix, we should trust and know that God helps make things grow and bear fruit. And if God is slow to answer your request, do not fret or get upset, because God is much wiser than you and I. God has some very big plans in store for us, so when we trust Him and wait patiently like we should, some really awesome things will start to unfold. And even thought it’s hard, but we need remember God’s timing is the best, so don’t allow yourself allow your frustration to upset you and discourage or distract you if things do not work out exactly as you wish. Instead of worrying about your future, its time to entrust your future to God, and trust that He knows what He is doing. I mean He did create the universe, and the only thing we create is chaos.

Definitely a reminder for myself.

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