Thursday, July 21, 2011


Am I willing to reduce myself simply to "me", determinedly to strip myself of all my friends think of me, of all I think of myself, and to hand that simple naked self over to God?

Such a simple question yet so much to think about.
But only we can answer that to ourselves and to God.

One thing I learned from Jesus and Harry Potter(yes I'm still very sad it's over =() is that they're willing to risk their lives even for their enemies, except that Jesus actually DIED for all. And another thing...God usually uses the weak and the meek[patient, long-suffering, or submissive in disposition or nature; humble] to do such courageous[Not deterred by danger or pain; brave.] thing[yes, willing to die for their enemies].

If someone asks you, "are you willing to die for your country?" what would you say? Not just die for your homeland, but for all the people in the country, including the government and those with authorities[after all the nasty things you heard they did].

Matthew 5:5
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

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