Sunday, August 7, 2011

Learn from Moses!

If you read Exodus chapter 36 to 40, you will know how Moses and the Isrealites set up and build a tabernacle for God.

"-as the LORD commanded Moses." EVERY single detail, God commanded Moses to prepare exactly how He wanted it!

As I was reading through the chapters, I was thinking to myself "wow. God is such a detailed person! and truly, such creativity comes from Him alone! From architecture to interior design to tailoring skill!" God has given people the ability to design and to create. So wonderful isn't it?

I learned that God also cares for those tiny little details in our lives. Just when I was craving for fried banana fritters, I came home and found 'em on the dining table! God knows what you want before you even present your requests to God!

So now you know how God commanded Moses to do exactly what He wanted for the tabernacle. Likewise, He desires to build and set up IN us exactly how He wants us to be in the future! It is a process, but it is up to us whether we allow Him to take control and obey like how Moses did. After all, we are just mere human beings who are created by Him and FOR Him. =)

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